Dokumentartheater mit Auslandskorrespondenten, N-Ost-Medienkonferenz

Mit sechs Journalist_innen aus Deutschland, Armenien, Georgien, Ukraine und Kroatien erarbeiten wir in drei Workshoptagen ein 35-minütiges Dokumentartheaterstück, das zum Abschluss der großen Medienkonferenz im Berliner Aufbauhaus präsentiert wird:

Please check luggage now  – Theatre Workshop with Nora Haakh & Ilker Abay  at N-Ost Media Conference 2015: Translating Worlds

An airport. A transit zone. On the move between spaces, systems, circumstances, information flows and people meet. * We move between languages. We carry our suitcase, bag or backpack. We find stories. Some of them we share.  * Our theatre workshop will be an intensive and free space for reflection and improvisation around the experiences of corresponding, of strangeness, of being on the move, and working with emotion, mind and body. * A performance using different media and sharing what we found will be shown on Saturday.

Nora Haakh is a theatre director, dramaturg, and researcher. Last time she travelled, she carried her grandfather’s old leather suitcase to find the Cairo workshop that made it.  * Ilker Abay is a filmmaker, actor, and director. Seven years ago, he left istanbul and hitchhiked to Berlin with a small suitcase.

Nora Haakh im Gespräch mit Workshopteilnehmerinnen © MANDY KLOETZER Photography
Ilker Abay kündigt das Stück an. © MANDY KLOETZER Photography


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